”We try never to forget that medicine is for the people. It is not for the profits. The profits follow, and if we have remembered that, they have never failed to appear.” -George W. Mereck, 1950

20200319164608”We try never to forget that medicine is for the people. It is not for the profits. The profits follow, and if we have remembered that, they have never failed to appear.”

-George W. Mereck, 1950

The field of medicine should be the last place where business should take priority. Providing health and alleviating pain of others is noble deed. It may feel a physical activity, but it has a lot of sentiments and blessings involved in it.

I haven’t frequently been to a hospital, but I have seen people believing in the doctor as much as they believe in God. They take the doctor’s word to be final.

So now it is the doctor’s responsibility to deliver. It is understandable that the doctor is not God, but he has to do his best, and also take care of other perspectives as well.

He should take care that not the patient nor the relatives of patient should be exploited monetarily. There is no need to perform unnecessary tests and no need to prescribe extremely expensive medicines.

This is where the pharmaceutical companies play a big role, they have to make best medicines, not to make profit but to alleviate pain of people. A lot of capital goes into research and development, yet, the purpose should never be profits. They have a huge responsibility, if they betray the trust of so many people, they will pay for it.

Even the patients should understand that they shouldn’t spend money prolifically on other things and save enough for emergency medical expenses. Sometimes, it is the double standards of the people that make the doctors insensitive towards them. Yet, it a mutual responsibility to be genuine and honest.

The marketing department, the government, the doctors and we individually everyone should work in harmony to make things easy for everyone. And it is an act of nobility to accommodate the needy. If we all join our hands together, we can definitely help each other make a better world.

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